π¦ Installation
AIO Panel
Step 1
Download the resource from your FiveM Keymaster
Step 2
Unzip the FRVGS_AIOPanel
Step 3
Copy the panel_aio
folder to a static webserver
Step 4
Your Web Panel is live !
Google Sheet - Management
Step 1
Make a copy of the Google Sheets provided with your Panel (FRVGS AIO Panel)
Step 2
Create a share link for your Google Sheets
- File > Share > Publish to Web
- Select the CSV as output
- Copy the link
Step 3
Edit your Panel Config files to add your link
- Edit the
- Enter the link copied previousely
Google Sheet - Forms
Step 1
Make a copy of the Google Sheets provided with your Panel (FRVGS AIO Panel Forms)
- File > Make a copy
Step 2
- Click on Extensions > Apps Script
- Modify the
for the form
script - Click on Run > InitialSetup
- Click on Deploy and accept the authorizations
- Copy the deployment URL and paste it in
in thescriptURL
entry - Now on the left sidebar of the Apps Script, click on Triggers
- Select the project "Triggers" from the sidebar and then click the Add Trigger button
- In the window that appears, select the following options:
- Choose which function to run: doPost
- Choose which deployment should run: Head
- Select event source: From spreadsheet
- Select event type: On form submit
- Select notification settings : Notify me immediately
- Save the Trigger
Step 3
Your Panel is now ready and configured with your Google Sheet and Discord Webhook.
π Configuration
"defaultLanguage": "en", // Default language
"useGoogleSheets": true, // true - to use Google Sheets / false - to use JSON files
"scriptURL": "google_app_script_url", // Google App Script URL from Panel AIO Forms
"type": "twitch", // twitch or youtube
"youtubeVideoId": "youtube_live", // Youtube channel ID
"twitchChannel": "twitch_channel", // Twitch channel ID
"parentDomain": "localhost",
// Google Sheets Configurations
"mapGlobal": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_MAP",
"SheetsBusiness": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_BUSINESS",
"SheetBusinessLocal": "/assets/data/business.json",
"SheetsCity": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_CITY",
"SheetsCityLocal": "/assets/data/city.json",
"SheetsGroups": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_GROUPS",
"SheetsGroupsLocal": "/assets/data/groups.json",
"SheetsStreamers": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_STREAMERS",
"SheetsStreamersLocal": "/assets/data/streamers.json",
"propertiesPerPage": 12,
"SheetsPropertiesTeam": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_PROPERTIES_TEAM",
"SheetsProperties": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_PROPERTIES",
"SheetsPropertiesLocal": "/assets/data/properties.json",
"vehiclesPerPage": 18,
"SheetsVehiclesTeam": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_VEHICLES_TEAM",
"SheetsVehicles": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_VEHICLES",
"SheetsVehiclesLocal": "/assets/data/vehicles.json",
"eventsPerPage": 12,
"SheetsEventsTeam": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_EVENTS_TEAM",
"SheetsEvents": "google_sheets_url_AIO_PANEL_EVENTS",
"SheetsEventsLocal": "/assets/data/events.json"
const FORM_CONFIG = {
form1: {
sheetName: 'Whitelist',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form2: {
sheetName: 'Business Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form3: {
sheetName: 'EMS Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form4: {
sheetName: 'Police Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form5: {
sheetName: 'FireFighter Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form6: {
sheetName: 'Justice Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form7: {
sheetName: 'Orgs Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
form8: {
sheetName: 'Stream Form',
webhook: 'webhook_url',
headerImageUrl: 'image_url'
// you can add as many form as you need
π Additional Support
If you need help configuring your Panel, feel free to join FRVGS Discord Server (opens in a new tab) for personalized support.